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Upcoming Events
Dates and times for events scheduled at St Nicholas church
A Message from Fr Trevor
Happy New Year!
As I look out on a windy and damp New Year’s day, I thought I would take a few minutes to send a New Year’s message to everyone.
Thank You
Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who supported the events during Advent and over the Christmas period.
To the choir, who sang carols at a number of locations and events. I hope you voices have recovered. It was great to have music at so many of the opportunities to show Middleton and Elmer who we are and what we do.
To the decorating team. So many people have said how nice the church looked with the flowers and Christmas decorations. Again, great to show people that we are a welcoming church that worship in a beautiful environment.
To the furniture movers. The advantage of a flexible worshipping space is that every type of event and worship can be accommodated. Even if it does mean moving everything back again afterwards.
To the refreshments team. Countless mulled wine, teas, mince pies (and stollen) were distributed to those visiting our church. A great sign of welcome.
To our congregation. Being there for the events show people that we are a lively and vibrant church that is open to all.
To our visitors. I’m glad that we were able to be part of your Christmas celebrations.
And to everyone else who helped make my first Christmas at St Nicholas one to remember.
What we did
- Christingle Service - making Christingles and learning about the symbolism of the Christingle
- Joint service with St Mary’s - A great celebration of Advent Sunday. Well attended by both congregations. I am looking forward to more joint ventures in the future.
- Patronal Festival - A celebration of St Nicholas Day with evening prayer.
- Carols by the Pond - the choir was joined by over 80 members of the congregation and villagers to sing a selection of carols around the pond. And it didn’t rain!
- Carols by Candlelight - a traditional celebration of the Christmas story. Over 50 people came to hear traditional carols and readings.
- Bishop Tufnell School - we were joined by 110 children from years 5 and 6, many of whom had never been inside St Nicholas church before. They were joined by staff and families to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas.
- Jubilee Nursery - the children and staff from the nursery came to join us for Christmas carols and the Christmas story.
- Byway Care Home - we took carols to the residents and staff of our local care home. More tea and mince pies!
- Carols Round the Tree - actually Carols Round the Crib! A new venture that was a great success with over 50 people coming to sing carols with us. More than 50 people joined us, many of whom are not regular members of our worshipping community.
- Carols at the Elmer - Gin and Tonic rather than tea! A packed pub joined us for traditional carols. Great audience participation and the chance to meet people who may not have known much about St Nicholas church.
- Crib Service - Pam and Dawn did a great job in welcoming 14 young people (and various adults) to St Nicholas and acting out the Christmas story with lots of dressing up, acting and singing.
And finally, Midnight Mass and Christmas Day!
What’s Coming Up
Burns Night. On the 25th January, we will be having our Burn’s Night supper. A chance to see the Vicar in a kilt, to eat well and maybe indulge in a glass of whisky. Details will be announced soon, but save the date.
Songs of Praise. 16th February at 4:00. Let us know your favourite hymn and what it means to you. A chance to sing you favourites. A bit more relaxed than the BBC version.
Quiz night. 15th March at 6:00. A chance to pit your wits against the questions set by Fr Trevor. I promise no knowledge of the bible needed. Chilli and jacket potato (plus alternatives) included.
Details to be worked out, but we hope to organise the following:
- A clothes sale in May
- Hymns and Pims in July
- Singalong a Sound of Music August
- Quiz night in October
In addition to these, we are starting regular coffee mornings on the first Saturday of the month starting in February. These will be to welcome our neighbours to St Nicholas and to raise money for our chosen charities.
Help Needed
Im sure that the refreshments team would appreciate any offers of help for any of the social events in 2025. Please let Adrienne, Heather or Avril know if you are able to help (or drop me an email and I will pass it on)
We would also appreciate people to volunteer to read the lessons on Sundays and to lead the intercessions. There is a list in church, but if you email me, I will add you name to the rota.
We hope to restart the churchyard working parties on the first Saturday of the month. Probably starting in March, but details will be posted with exact dates and times.
Wishing you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year. God bless you and all that you love and care for.
Church Services
Regular Services
St Nicholas
8:00 am – 1662 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
10:00 am – Parish Eucharist – followed by refreshments
10:00 am – Eucharist– followed by refreshments
Our Facebook Page
Church Services
Regular Services
St Nicholas
8:00 am – 1662 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
10:00 am – Parish Eucharist – followed by refreshments
10:00 am – Eucharist– followed by refreshments
Our Facebook Page
A Message From Fr Trevor
Happy New Year!
As I look out on a windy and damp New Year’s day, I thought I would take a few minutes to send a New Year’s message to everyone.
Thank You
Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who supported the events during Advent and over the Christmas period.
To the choir, who sang carols at a number of locations and events. I hope you voices have recovered. It was great to have music at so many of the opportunities to show Middleton and Elmer who we are and what we do.
To the decorating team. So many people have said how nice the church looked with the flowers and Christmas decorations. Again, great to show people that we are a welcoming church that worship in a beautiful environment.
To the furniture movers. The advantage of a flexible worshipping space is that every type of event and worship can be accommodated. Even if it does mean moving everything back again afterwards.
To the refreshments team. Countless mulled wine, teas, mince pies (and stollen) were distributed to those visiting our church. A great sign of welcome.
To our congregation. Being there for the events show people that we are a lively and vibrant church that is open to all.
To our visitors. I’m glad that we were able to be part of your Christmas celebrations.
And to everyone else who helped make my first Christmas at St Nicholas one to remember.
What we did
- Christingle Service - making Christingles and learning about the symbolism of the Christingle
- Joint service with St Mary’s - A great celebration of Advent Sunday. Well attended by both congregations. I am looking forward to more joint ventures in the future.
- Patronal Festival - A celebration of St Nicholas Day with evening prayer.
- Carols by the Pond - the choir was joined by over 80 members of the congregation and villagers to sing a selection of carols around the pond. And it didn’t rain!
- Carols by Candlelight - a traditional celebration of the Christmas story. Over 50 people came to hear traditional carols and readings.
- Bishop Tufnell School - we were joined by 110 children from years 5 and 6, many of whom had never been inside St Nicholas church before. They were joined by staff and families to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas.
- Jubilee Nursery - the children and staff from the nursery came to join us for Christmas carols and the Christmas story.
- Byway Care Home - we took carols to the residents and staff of our local care home. More tea and mince pies!
- Carols Round the Tree - actually Carols Round the Crib! A new venture that was a great success with over 50 people coming to sing carols with us. More than 50 people joined us, many of whom are not regular members of our worshipping community.
- Carols at the Elmer - Gin and Tonic rather than tea! A packed pub joined us for traditional carols. Great audience participation and the chance to meet people who may not have known much about St Nicholas church.
- Crib Service - Pam and Dawn did a great job in welcoming 14 young people (and various adults) to St Nicholas and acting out the Christmas story with lots of dressing up, acting and singing.
And finally, Midnight Mass and Christmas Day!
What’s Coming Up
Burns Night. On the 25th January, we will be having our Burn’s Night supper. A chance to see the Vicar in a kilt, to eat well and maybe indulge in a glass of whisky. Details will be announced soon, but save the date.
Songs of Praise. 16th February at 4:00. Let us know your favourite hymn and what it means to you. A chance to sing you favourites. A bit more relaxed than the BBC version.
Quiz night. 15th March at 6:00. A chance to pit your wits against the questions set by Fr Trevor. I promise no knowledge of the bible needed. Chilli and jacket potato (plus alternatives) included.
Details to be worked out, but we hope to organise the following:
- A clothes sale in May
- Hymns and Pims in July
- Singalong a Sound of Music August
- Quiz night in October
In addition to these, we are starting regular coffee mornings on the first Saturday of the month starting in February. These will be to welcome our neighbours to St Nicholas and to raise money for our chosen charities.
Help Needed
Im sure that the refreshments team would appreciate any offers of help for any of the social events in 2025. Please let Adrienne, Heather or Avril know if you are able to help (or drop me an email and I will pass it on)
We would also appreciate people to volunteer to read the lessons on Sundays and to lead the intercessions. There is a list in church, but if you email me, I will add you name to the rota.
We hope to restart the churchyard working parties on the first Saturday of the month. Probably starting in March, but details will be posted with exact dates and times.
Wishing you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year. God bless you and all that you love and care for.